Gruppo Archeologico Romano
Fall 2000 Schedule

The fall schedule of activities for the English Language Programme of the GAR is out, and, as usual, it is packed with interesting opportunities.

Mondays: 10 AM, October 9 through November 27
at GAR, Via Degli Scipioni, 30/A (near the Vatican)

-- The History of Emotion. This course looks at history from a different perspective. Instead of concentrating on battles and events, it looks at how people experienced and expressed their emotions in different epochs and different societies. Eight lectures by Valerie Higgins, Ph.D., University of Sheffield, Great Britain, currently working at the Rome Program of Catholic University of America: Slavery and liberty, Power and ambition, Individualism and toleration, Friendship, Passion and love, Honour, Being foreign, and Being a good parent.
Mondays: 11:15 AM, October 2 through December 4
at GAR, Via Degli Scipioni, 30/A (near the Vatican)
-- Roman Saints and Martyrs. The aim of the course is to explore through literature and art the changing images of the saints from the first to the seventeenth centuries, focusing upon those holy men and women who are particularly associated with Rome. Ten lectures by Paul Gwynne, Ph.D., University of London, who has been living and working in Rome for the past six years. He is currently engaged upon a monograph on the Umbrian Artist Pinturicchio for Yale University Press. Lecture topics: Iconography and Attributes, Image of Christ, Peter, Stephen and Lawrence, St. Sebastian, Agnes and Cecilia, St. Jerome, Onofrio, Francis and Clare, and Ignatius and the Jesuits.
Tuesdays: 10 AM, 3 October 3 through December 5
each class at a different site, part of the English Language Programme but conducted in Italian
-- Roma Archeologica. Visits ten sites in Rome: Villa of the Quintilli, Crustumerium Archeological Area, Capitoline Museums, Necropoli of Via Latina, Villa of the Gordiani and Columbarium of Via Olevano Romano, Hypogeum of the Aureli, Columbarium of Vigna Codini, Archeological are below the Church of Santa Sabina, Church of S. Urban alla Caffarella, and the Temple of Isis and Serapis in Campo Marzio.
Wednesdays: 10 AM, October 4 through December 13
each session at a different site
-- Rome through the centuries. One lecture and nine site visits conducted by Nicole Fuget, who has her degree from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris. Ms. Fuget taught at the Johns Hopkins University program in Bologna and has lived in Rome for the past several years and has thoroughly studied Italian History. Topics are: the Roman Family (lecture), Roman history through statues (Palazzo Massimo alle Terme), Rich and Poor (the Insula), Flavian Amphitheater (Colosseum), Domus Aurea, Capitoline Museum (Palazzo Nuovo), Via Salaria (Hypogeum of via Livenza and tombs), Our Ancestors (Museo Etnografico), Santo Stephano Rotondo, and San Lorenzo outside the Walls. Background information for sessions can be found at
Fridays: 10 AM, October 6 through December 15
Each session at a different site
-- Roman Neighborhoods. Ten site visits with Valerie Higgins, Ph.D., University of Sheffield, Great Britain, currently working at the Rome Program of Catholic University of America: Origins of Rome, Patrician Villas on the Esquiline, Celian Hill in Roman and Medieval periods, Campus Martius, the Borgo, Roma as a Pilgrimage Center, Via Papale, 18th and 19th Century Artists, Garbatella and Garden City, and EUR and Modern Rome. Background information for sessions is at
Saturday Field Trips:
October 21 -- Arezzo with Nicole Fuget:  Newly accessible basilica of S. Francesco (Storia della Croce fresco cycle by Piero della Francesca) and "the best of Georgio Vassari" in his own house.

November 11 -- Subaico and Anagni with Nicole Fuget:  into the middle ages, the frescoes of Sacro Speco of Subaico, where Benedict founded the Benedictines, and the Romanesque cycle of the crypt of the Cathedral of Anagni.

Contact Ms. Anna Taggiasco, Gruppo Archeologico English Program, 06-39737703, for full program and fee schedule.

Information on site visits in past English Language Programme seasons can be accessed through

The Internet site of the national Gruppi Archeologici organization is at